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Do you need to pass your Learner's Licence test first TIME!?
You’ve come to the right place!

We are South Africa's Original Learners site established in 2004, which provides free online
Theory test papers as well as Q & A's, where you can practice the types of questions you will find in
the real K53 Learner's test, and see which areas you need to improve on most.

Our goal is to help you pass your Learner's test the first time and put you well on your way towards getting your Driver's Licence.
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Our testing system is extremely comprehensive as it covers all the tested areas and is
written in the same format as the Department of Transport Test.
If you wish to use our testing system you will need to sign up and become a member.

You have to be as prepared as possible !!!
SA Learners testing material is up-to-date & compliant with the computerised testing, already used at most test stations around the country.
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We have provided this section for you to study all the necessary material which you need to know before attempting the test Q & A's.

When you 'click' on the above menu link called "Theory" you will notice a number of
options to choose from. We advise you to start with  "Road Rules" , however which section you start
with is not critical - it's critical to cover all the 'Theory Material'  for the learning process, if you have
limited time then Q & A's will need to be your focus
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